Resultados de la búsqueda

    14 Resultados
  • Tae Yoo - Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs - posee un Bachelor in Communications de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Jay Parikh - Director - posee un Bachelor of Science de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
    Atlassian - Software - Australia
  • Aaron Levine - Senior Vice President, Men's and Women's Design - se graduó en Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
    Abercrombie & Fitch - Distribución - Estados Unidos
  • Alan Shaw - President and Chief Executive Officer - has a Master of Business Administration in Aerospace from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Bachelor of Science in Aerospace from Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Edward Baine - President, Dominion Energy Virginia - posee un Degree in Electrical Engineering de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Roger Moore - Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in General Science de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Jason Long - Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer - posee un Master and Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
    C&F Financial - Banca - Estados Unidos
  • Ben Miller - Chief Capital Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Finance de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Roger Moore - Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in General Science de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Cyndi Eakin - Senior Vice President of Investor Relations - posee un Bachelor in Accounting and Accounting Information Systems de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Mike Karanikolas - Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer - posee un B.S. Computer Engineering de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • John Sabey - Chief Technical Officer - posee un Master of Science de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
  • Mike Schlegel - Chief Operating Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Building Construction de Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
    The Bozzuto Group - Inmobiliaria - Estados Unidos
  • John Alday - Vice President, Applications and Product Engineering - has a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

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